College Foundation of North Carolina
Student Parent Adult Learner Military / Military Dependent Education Professional Account Holder
Adult Learner
Military / Military Dependent
Education Professional
Account Holder

It is never too early or too late to plan your future, no matter what your age.

Discover useful tools to help your child plan, apply, and pay for college.

Explore education and professions for career advancement or personal development.

Check out the available tools and services to track student's college and career planning options.

Quick access to your CFNC user account and any of your CFI college loan, payment plan, or NC 529 accounts.

Thank you for your service and dedication! Enhance your career, explore college options, and research education benefits available to you.

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When financial aid isn't enough - how will you bridge the gap -  NC Assist Loans from CFNC can help Paws in Jobland

Paws in Jobland
Join PAWS for a fun way to learn about jobs.